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How To Set and Achieve Goals (7 Easy Steps)

Knowing how to set and achieve goals is a combination of careful planning and taking action.

Here’s the step-by-step formula I’ve used for years to achieve personal goals.

I’ve found it helpful to write down exactly what I wanted to do throughout my midlife years and beyond.

For me, this technique provides clarity and helps me figure out the steps I need to take next.

The fact is, lots of people talk about having goals, but only a handful achieve them.

That’s because they leave out some, if not all, of the steps you’ll find in the method.

Consequently, they get stuck, become discouraged, and ultimately quit.

This method has helped me set goals and achieve them faster. I’ve learned how to set career goals, educational goals, financial goals, fitness goals, and more.

So, here’s my simple 7-step formula to set goals and achieve them.

Step #1 Clarify Your Goal

If you’re going to set goals and achieve them, then, you’ll first have to figure out what you want.

This will instantly set you apart from most folks by doing this.

You’ll never meet a goal if you’re unsure of what it is.

The primary reason people fail is because they don’t set a clear goal.

So, grab a sheet of paper, jot down your goals, and describe each goal in as much detail as possible.

Step #2 Assign Your Date

Next, to set and achieve goals, you’ll need a target date so you can accomplish each one on your list.

Keep in mind that your target date isn’t carved in stone.

But, it’s necessary to set a date before you start on your journey.

Remember that it’s possible to reach your goal ahead of time, or it may take you a little longer to see it accomplished.

A timeline creates a sense of urgency to help you stay motivated.

By establishing your goal and a timeline, you’re re-training your mind and creating a mental sequence that will help you achieve more than you imagined.

You’ll always want to keep this list handy and review it often.

As a result, you’ll notice a feeling of anticipation and start seeing opportunities all around you that are in line with reaching your goals.

Step #3 Research Your Resources

Now you’ll need to think about what you’re going to need to accomplish your goal.

  • Are you going to need more information?
  • Where can you begin looking?
  • Are you going to need extra skills and know-how?
  • How can you best accomplish this?
  • Is there anything else you need to attain your goal?

By filling in your knowledge and skills gaps, you’ll boost the likelihood of reaching your goals. 

Step #4 Identify Your Hurdles

Next, you’ll need to determine the challenges standing in your way.

There might be someone you need to contact, a form you need to complete, or an action you must take.

Now, you need to ask yourself questions like:

  • What is the best way to deal with these hurdles?
  • Is there a particular strategy you must use?
  • How’s the quickest and easiest way to overcome these hindrances?

After you think about this, arrange them in order of significance, size, and timeframe.

Step#5 List Your Allies

It’s impossible to accomplish a goal without the aid of others.

This means you’ll need to create a list of individuals, businesses, or associations that you’ll need to call on. 

And, you’ll need to be thinking about how you’ll repay them once you’ve received their help. 

Step#6 Set Your Sequence

Now, to be successful at reaching a goal, you’ll need to create a list of steps of activities you must perform to achieve it.

Write down each thing you’ll need to do and arrange them by their importance.

If you prioritize the items on your list, you’ll find that you’ll accomplish more faster.

This step helps you stay focused on the task at hand.

Step#7 Execute Your Plan

Now, set out to accomplish something each day to help you achieve your goal.

So, you’ll need to ask yourself this question each day.

“If I could get one thing done today, what would be the best use of my time?”

Once you answer that question, focus on doing that one thing.

Then, keep going.

If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. Simply pick up where you left off and keep pressing on.

No guilt or grief allowed.

Remember that regardless of your age, you’re going to face challenging situations.

But, the good news is that you’ll also find new opportunities as well.

So, keep your paper and pencil handy.

Learning how to set and achieve goals will soon become natural to you. So, set some new goals, then update your list often, and don’t be afraid to change your plan when it’s necessary.

That’s how I set and achieve goals in 7 steps! How many steps do you use to attain your goals?

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T L Walters Midlife Career and Life Coach
T.L. Walters helps clients turn midlife changes into opportunities for success and fulfillment. His unique approach stems from his own successful career pivots at ages 50 and 63. Terry holds a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Liberty University, and a Diploma in Counseling where he specialized in Life and Career Coaching and Alzheimer's Care.

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